Friday 4 October 2013


                           Film industry - Production, Distribution, Marketing, Exhibition 

      - Production 

  • filming
  • editing
  • crew
  • cast
  • sets/locations
  • script
  • ideas 
  • food + other everyday necessities 

      - The process of production 

  • script writing - a script is written for any for any film or television programme within a script it must have the actions, movement,expressions and dialogs of the characters 
  • casting- the choice of character (who best suits the role) 
  • shooting - the shooting of the film is an essential aspect of the film/television programme transitions, cuts and angles are used to express further emotions and scene setting
  • editing -The film editor works with the raw footage, selecting shots and combining them into sequences to create a finished motion picture. A film editor must creatively work with the layers of images, story, dialogue, music, pacing, as well as the actors' performances.

     - Distribution 

    This is the selling of the film/tv programme to companies ready for audiences 

     -methods used  

  • film festivals
  • marketing
  • advertising
  • exchange/exhibition 

    - Marketing
This is the advertisement of a film or tv show to attract viewers there are many ways marketing can be used for example...
  • online
  • on TV advertisement
  • buses
  • bill boards
  • trains
  • magazines

- Exhibition
This is to get the movie out there to the viewing audience this can be done in different ways the ain target being the cinemas however there are many other ways such as
  • DVD/blu ray
  • available download
  • Netflix/lovefilm
  • aeroplanes
  • hotels 
  • coaches
  • TV 


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