Friday, 25 October 2013

Why Thor 2 is an important text to study for the exam?

  • Massive marketing campaign
  • Its a sequel, why was the franchise continued?
  • Marvel comics - cross media convergence
  • Tentpole film
  • Appeals to global audience
  • Linked to Marvel Avengers blockbuster
  • Special effects - CGI, 3D
  • Use of convergent technologies such as; motion capture, performance capture.    

Thor 2 

why is Thor 2 an important text to study for the exam? 

  • massive marketing campaign shows the different marketing methods used by the film industry 

  • The industry continued into a sequel because of the adopted audience from the Avengers movie which was a big hit 

Why is Thor 2 an important text to study?

Why is Thor 2 an important text to study?

* It has a massive marketing campaign

* Its a sequel - Why did the industry contive the franchise?

* Comic - X Media convergence                
        - Marvel

* It's a tent pole movie

* Global Audience - Mainly younger males

* X media - Avengers

* CGI, 3D - motion captive            }  Convergent Technologies 
                  - performance captive 
                  - special effects



We used convergent technologies in production, distribution, marketing and exchange.
We were also introduced to tentpole moves.Tentpole movies are expected to hold up (as is the function of a tentpole) and balance out the financial performance of a movie studio or television network.
We were also prosumers. Not only did we consume information from the internet we also produced our own stuff. It was a two way process. We also learnt about cross media convergence and its similarities with synergy. Cross media convergence is different media that promote each other and usually wont exist without each other. Only media companies are allowed so teaming up with food companies such as mcdonalds wouldn't be cross media. Types of synergy are podcasts, posters etc. You can have visual synergy through imagery and fonts Synergy exists to make both products more revenue. We learnt about the importance of audience participation and learnt that by uploading to youtube we were distributing our media globally.

scream poster




Friday, 11 October 2013



  • AND ANGRY!!!!!


Friday, 4 October 2013


                           Film industry - Production, Distribution, Marketing, Exhibition 

      - Production 

  • filming
  • editing
  • crew
  • cast
  • sets/locations
  • script
  • ideas 
  • food + other everyday necessities 

      - The process of production 

  • script writing - a script is written for any for any film or television programme within a script it must have the actions, movement,expressions and dialogs of the characters 
  • casting- the choice of character (who best suits the role) 
  • shooting - the shooting of the film is an essential aspect of the film/television programme transitions, cuts and angles are used to express further emotions and scene setting
  • editing -The film editor works with the raw footage, selecting shots and combining them into sequences to create a finished motion picture. A film editor must creatively work with the layers of images, story, dialogue, music, pacing, as well as the actors' performances.

     - Distribution 

    This is the selling of the film/tv programme to companies ready for audiences 

     -methods used  

  • film festivals
  • marketing
  • advertising
  • exchange/exhibition 

    - Marketing
This is the advertisement of a film or tv show to attract viewers there are many ways marketing can be used for example...
  • online
  • on TV advertisement
  • buses
  • bill boards
  • trains
  • magazines

- Exhibition
This is to get the movie out there to the viewing audience this can be done in different ways the ain target being the cinemas however there are many other ways such as
  • DVD/blu ray
  • available download
  • Netflix/lovefilm
  • aeroplanes
  • hotels 
  • coaches
  • TV 


Planning for the project begins at this stage. An idea turns into a script which is then individually broken down and all the locations, props, cast members, costumes, special effects and visual effects are identified.  A detailed schedule is produced and arrangements are made so that essential requirements (food) can be sorted out before filming started.
Filming is then carried out. All scenes that have been planned out are filmed at the relevant locations. Each scene is filmed repeatedly, to ensure the best quality scenes will be used to construct the film.  Great care must be taken to make sure that all the filming is done correctly and all necessary shots are taken, as it is sometimes difficult or impossible to go back and repeat certain events if the filming is incomplete when it comes to the post-production stage.
Then the film is assembled by the editor. The first job of the film editor is to build a rough cut taken from scenes based on individual takes. The purpose of the rough cut is to select and order the best shots. The next step is to create a fine cut by getting all the shots to flow smoothly in a seamless story. Trimming - the process of shortening scenes by a few minutes, seconds, or even frames - is done during this phase. As well as the editing of footage, all music, graphics, menus etc are added in this stage. After the fine cut has been screened and approved by the director and producer, the picture is "locked," meaning no further changes are made.


This is when films get from the edit house to the audience. This happens through:
  1. Film festivals
  2. Cinema release
  3. Blu Rays
  4. DVDs 

This is promotion and advertisement of a new cinema release. There are many different ways this occurs;

  1. Billboards
  2. On public transport
  3. Trailers
  4. Viral videos
  5. Posters
  6. Toys 


Exhibition is how the audience get to see films. This is usually through big chain cinemas such as Odeon however it should be noted some small independent production companies don't make it into the cinema and rely on small festivals and straight to DVD to make revenue.

Story Board - Scream

Equipment Used:

Scream Swede's!

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Film Industry - Distribution, Exhibition, Marketing, Production

Film Production 

*Set Locations

The Production Process:

The production process is basically the stages that need to be complete in order to make a media product, From the initial idea to the final product. The process can be used in any type of media production including:

* Films
* Videos
* Television 
* Audio Recording

Three main stages of production:
1) Pre-production: Planning, scripting & storyboarding, etc..
2) Production: The actual shooting/recording.
3) Post-production: Everything between production and creating the final master copy.
Other stages include:
  • Financing: This happens before pre-production, and involves budget forecasting, finding investors, etc.
  • Screenplay: This can be considered a separate stage before pre-production.
  • Distribution: After post-production, delivering the content to the audience - film prints,CD,DVD, etc..


Distribution refers to how films get from editing houses to the audience.

Different methods of distribution include:  

*Film festivals - to make a deal with producers




- Pedestrians are able to see new film releases whilst boarding the bus or walking down the street.



- Front cover spreads to draw the consumers eye

Exhibition / Exchange 

How do audiences get to see films? 

* Theatrical Launch - Film is released in cinemas. A good opening weekend is crucial for the success of a film.

* Non Theatrical Licence - Aeroplanes, Hotels, Coaches

* Home Entertainment - Films are packed for release on digital media such as DVD, Blu Ray and made for available download.

* Pay/Subscription TV - Pay Per View, Videos on demand, Netflix, Sky, Virgin Media

Licensed Merchandising - Rights sold to manufacturers of merchandise to use a brand on their products.

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Homework - Marketing, Exhibiton, Disturbuiton, Production.

Production Involvement:
  • Filming and editing
  • Crew
  • Cast
  • Set/Production
  • Script
  • Idea
  • Food

  1.  Production
  • production is when the film is ready to be recorded and put into action.
  • the set team gather up by the location and crate the background for the cast to practise on
  • the actors begin to rehearse.
  • the director will rehearse the scene with actors through blocking, until its time to start shooting scenes for the film. 
  •  A set team is in charge of managing how the production is going run
  • A story board is created, and visualised
  • Film budget is then set and the production is ready to be organised.
  • A Crew is then hired 

     3. Development -
  • The director would find a stimulus to base their production on, this could include, a true story, a picture, a book or just a simple original idea.
  • After that the director would come together with the production team to write a synopsis
  • A script is then written, containing all essentials such as stage directions, voice overs, sound effects, were images are put in etc. once an overall play write had been written, this is a chance for the cast to learn their lines and the set team to prepare, this could take up to 6 months.
  • After re drafts and editing to script has been taken place, a pitch is performed  to investors, if they agree to the idea, the making of the film can proceed.

    4. post production
- when the production, sound and dialog is edited. music and sound effects are added to the scenes
Distribution:  (getting the film out there) :
  • Film Festivals (make a deal with producers etc.)
  • Duo deal
  • TV deal
Where the movie is made available to watch by an audience.
  • one process - the film makes it to the cinema on standard release, then to legal DVD, then to pay to view and then to the TV screen
  • Simultaneous release is then the film is made to watch on multiple types of media at the same time
  • TV/Video release s when the film has been taken straight from the editing studio and put on disk.
  • Internet release when the film has been put on the web for rental use.
  • How actors maintain money when people watch them online for free.
4. - Preferable cinemas, venue space, facilities?
    - Type of crowds, small or large?
    - Time of day to release a film, day or night?
    - specific day to release, Fridays? promotional orange Wednesdays?
    - How to view the film, 2D, 3D, IMAX ?

  • Advertising - poster, TV, Online etc.
- In cinemas, films are promoted through trailers, posters and standees.
- On the internet, films are promoted through film websites and homepage takeovers.
- In print, films are advertised through news papers, posters and help of merchandising with free give  away's ( fast food chain promotions )
There also film tours, where the whole film crew, including actors and directors would go to special appearances, or talk shows to promote.
Last year, Skyfall took over the scenes when the film was first being released with in the UK, with having TV ads, billboards, bus advertising etc.

 - Train station, catches a public members attention, using iconic words which are used within the film, makes the public feel included.

  - YouTube homepage, as soon as someone signs on to YouTube the film ad, catches their eye and would make them want to see the film more

 - celebrity, having someone famous sing a song for a film draws that celebrities fans t want to watch the film, simply just because of who has featured on it.

 - popular brand of drink.

 - billboards

 - side of a bus
by investing so much money into marketing, promoting and advertising helps create a bigger audience to watch the film as if the public has seen it everywhere, they would want to know whether the film was worth all the time invested in promoting it.

Majority of cinema audiences are between the ages 16 - 24. the film team would have to consider what genre the film would be, how appealing the film would be to those specific people, whether they would be able to branch the film out to people who don't just love the particular genre, but others  be interested as well.
The Film Chain - Development, Financing, Pre sales, Productions, Sales and Licensing, Distribution, Exploitation.


Film Industry summary .

Issues around the film industry include competition between rivals - E.g - rival films, about 12 films come out each week, how can people watch all of them? who's film gets watched the most? Home cinema and actual cinema, people would rather watch films online at home, because its cheaper than paying for the expenses at a cinema, your more cosy at home and you can take breaks during the film whenever you like. Also, Piracy, its easier access to get a film for cheap price from someone selling them, this means that the film team all lose out on money and cant be paid because people would rather do things the illegal way.
International films, aren't taken notice of, Bollywood and Nollywood films will always be more under-rated than Hollywood films. Simply because Hollywood films have more budget to afford it to make it to the big screens in various countries.
Depending on what type of film it is, independent films have a lower budget to create their film although the advantage of that is that the director is allowed to be more creative with how they would like the final pieces of the film to be structured.
Due to all the new technology that is coming out, E.g - big flat screen TV's, HD TV's, 3D TVs, people will no longer visit the cinema anymore, the cinema wont be able to make enough money and would have to close down, even though cinemas make majority of their money on the refreshments because the other set of money goes back to the film team industry.
3D films bring the cinema's excitement:
  • People cant commit piracy on them because their cameras cant pick up two projections
  • The cinema tickets are more expensive
  • 3D films are usually catered for families, so that's at least 3+ people purchasing a ticket for that night, including they would buy refreshments